Monday, December 18, 2006

some thoughts from me...

Like the other CHC Bloggers, I have never done this before. Although I am a qualified technical application and automation consultant, I am still known internally at times as responsible for more than a few "end user issues." I think it is a true testament to Web 2.0 that the interactivity of the internet has grown to such a degree that I can easily share my thoughts with you. I look forward to exploring the blogosphere from this side and am excited to see what responses you all may have.

I plan to cover any and all topics that we deal with in our day-to-day business lives. Whether it is a client related issue or internal situation, it seems more and more apparent to me that there are some simple truths that keep popping up and that we are presented with the same challenges again and again until we find ways to solve them. I would love to hear about the challenges that you are facing and I hope to get you thinking about new ways to work internally and externally by initiating good dialog on best practices and real solutions.

I hope to hear from you soon. Two-way communication is our goal here. I know that we deal with intelligent, experienced, and successful crazies like us every day and that there are many more of us out there. Drop me a line, tell me what you think about business, blogging, or whatever else is on your mind.

Happy Holidays and I hope to hear from you soon!


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